C: (502) 553-6549
O: (502) 537-6001
F: (502) 537-6002
E: kathy@tbfmortgage.com
11909 Shelbyville Road, Suite 100
Louisville, KY 40243
NMLS #2083926
Mortgage Loan Originator
Kathy has lived in Louisville all her life. It’s where she married her husband George of 35 years and raised her family. Recently, they moved to Meade County for a new beginning and fresh air! Kathy worked in the financial and real estate industries for many years. She was a property manager and real estate agent until she pivoted into lending. She has been in the commercial and residential real estate industry for over fifteen years and has the expertise to assist with loan originating needs.
Kathy Seay has the knowledge and experience to help you through the loan process, find the terms that are right for your budget, and make sure all the legalities are competently handled so that the closing goes smoothly and you can take possession of your new property.
Whether you’re a first-time home buyer, looking to trade up, deciding to downsize, or simply wishing for a change, Kathy can help you before you ever make an offer on a property. She can sit down with you and look over your budget, income and savings, helping you get a clear picture of what type and amount of loan is realistic. There are many factors to consider when getting a home loan; interest rates are only one element of the complete package. Kathy will help you consider all your options so you can concentrate on making the best decision for your needs.
The financial aspects of home buying can be stressful and overwhelming—but they don’t have to be, not with a trained and caring professional like Kathy in your corner. Contact her today at 502-553-6549 and let’s get started making