Mortgage Loan Officer
C: (502) 435-1535
11909 Shelbyville Rd.
Suite 100
Louisville, KY 40243
NMLS #1849518, 1934540

Born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. I graduated from St. Xavier High School and then got my masters from the University of Louisville in physical education and health education. I was a teacher in JCPS and the Archdiocese of Louisville for three years before changing careers. I began my career in the Mortgage Industry in November of 2019 and have developed a passion for the business. I love that every day I get to wake up and help people realize their dreams of getting into a new home! I am dedicated to my customers and agents to give them the best experience possible with TBF Mortgage. I have absolutely loved the change to TBF Mortgage and believe that the support and love I get from this company will allow myself and the agents who work with me give back to this community more than we have ever been able to do! I am available 24/7 by cell phone or email and I look forward to working with each and every one of you to make your dream home a reality!!